Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Project Mobile

I finally tackled one of the nursery projects on my to-do-list! Violet's mobile is done! Yippeee! I have had this idea in my head for a while. I ordered the metal structure from Urban Outfitters, which is supposed to be a photo holder, but I had this in mind for it. 

I took styrofoam balls of different sizes, wrapped smaller ones in scrap fabric and yarn. For the larger ones I quartered circles of fabric and pinned them into the styrofoam to create a flower like pom-pom. The actual mobile structure had to be taken apart and re-arranged about six times to make sure it hung just right and balanced out correctly. That was a chore! We haven't hung it over her crib yet because we lack the hardware to do so to make sure it is safe to hang. 

I am so happy with the way it turned out, especially since I didn't have to get out and go buy more supplies for it. I took a look at what I had in my craft closet and made it work. Go me! 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Vintage baby

I would love to dress Miss Violet in vintage dresses every now and then. These two from Miskabelly are exactly what I would love to have for her. So sweet 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cupcakes and Tea

My little, Claire, and her sweet momma threw Violet and I such a lovely baby shower back at the beginning of December. My precious Pi Phi sissies and some of their moms came (some all the way from Tulsa and Texas) to celebrate our little Violet. It was held at Pinkitzel, a cupcake cafe, candy shop, and boutique, in downtown OKC. This place is ahhhmazing! We had our choice of three different delicious cupcakes, vanilla tea, and yummy hot chocolate. Needless to say we were spoiled :)

If you would like to see more pictures of Pinkitzel and the shower head over to my Mom's blog. Yup, she's a pretty cute mom with an insanely creative blog. 

 One of my precious littles and hostess 

All of the amazing and thoughtful gifts

Taylor made Violet the cutest cupcake beanie. Obviously I was pumped about this one.

My mama spoiled me with a beautiful Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Clutch! Eeeeppp! 

Everyone decorated and personalized a bib for Violet

The Mamas

My wonderful friends and Violet's Auntie Angels :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Once again I have neglected the belly photos. So, here I am playing catch up. I also have many, many other things to catch up on and document on here. A big one being the super amazing baby shower my sweet friend Claire threw for me. That should be up in a day or so. For now we will keep this somewhat short and sweet.

31 Weeks

 34 Weeks

34 weeks

I am currently 34 weeks and one day. The above 34 week photos were taken after we got home from a friends wedding we attended tonight. I actually felt cute and not so much like a whale, so I let the hubs take a full outfit shot. 

 I have been craving california cuties/clementines (baby oranges) like crazy I have anywhere from 3-5 a day, but I figure its okay because it's fruit and healthy for me...right?  I also need to brag on my sweet husband. Since I am so uncomfortable at night and find it very hard to sleep, he has put a mattress in our bedroom floor and let me sleep alone in our big comfy bed! He's a sweet one :) 

Only 41 days until we meet our little Violet!