I finally tackled one of the nursery projects on my to-do-list! Violet's mobile is done! Yippeee! I have had this idea in my head for a while. I ordered the metal structure from Urban Outfitters, which is supposed to be a photo holder, but I had this in mind for it.
I took styrofoam balls of different sizes, wrapped smaller ones in scrap fabric and yarn. For the larger ones I quartered circles of fabric and pinned them into the styrofoam to create a flower like pom-pom. The actual mobile structure had to be taken apart and re-arranged about six times to make sure it hung just right and balanced out correctly. That was a chore! We haven't hung it over her crib yet because we lack the hardware to do so to make sure it is safe to hang.
I am so happy with the way it turned out, especially since I didn't have to get out and go buy more supplies for it. I took a look at what I had in my craft closet and made it work. Go me!